Short Everest Base Camp Trek, 10 Days Itinerary and Cost


10 days Short Trek to Everest Base Camp is an adventure that indicates to the soul of every explorer. Everyone from different parts of the world would love to explore and witness the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest. Situated in the heart of the towering Himalayas, Everest Base Camp stands as a symbol of human effort and untamed beauty of nature. Short Everest Base Camp is the world’s famous destination for trekking. It's the top spot for checking out Mount Everest and trekking there is like the adventure of number of people’s dreams.

              The Short Everest Base Camp Trek usually starts with an exciting plane ride from Kathmandu to Lukla. From the moment you set foot in Lukla, the adventure began by promising a shortened yet unforgettable journey through some of the world's most awe-inspiring landscapes. The journey is like a rollercoaster of excitement, taking you through amazing sights like ice glaciers, lush forests, and ancient Buddhist monasteries. You’ll trek through Sagarmatha National Park, where you'll find all sorts of unique plants and animals. Furthermore, you will also cross iconic suspension bridges across deep valleys and rushing rivers which adds the excitement to the adventure. The topmost highlight of the trek is reaching Kalapathar- the highest viewpoint, which offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. All in it, the trek isn't just about reaching Everest but it’s also a journey into the rich cultures, traditions, and lifestyles of the mountain people. Along the way, you will witness the warm hospitality of the Sherpa people and be amazed at the beauty of their mountainous homeland.  Also, Short Everest Base Camp Trek is kind of tough, but not too hard. You don't require any technical climbing, but you should be physically fit and prepared for long, uphill hikes at high altitudes.

                  Even though the trek duration is short, but it is packed with unforgettable moments and stunning scenery. From the busy streets of Namche Bazaar to the peaceful views at Tengboche Monastery, every stop was like stepping into a world of culture and beauty in the Khumbu region. Lastly, Welcome Nepal Treks provides quality services and amenities for the 10 day Short Everest Base Camp Trek at affordable prices. With our extensive experience in organizing expeditions to this iconic destination, you can trust us to ensure a memorable journey. For more info visit

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